Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Football for Food

When hunger strikes at your stomach from the penalty box, when the surroundings can't defend your upbringing, when poverty shows up the Red card whenever there are many mouths to feed, when filth, garbage, neglect and apathy are your loyal fans, then you have to play this game under the coaching of conscience.
Kids find their freedom, forget their shabby environment, their lack of opportunities when they feed on football. From regions of blood diamond mining to refugee camps in sub-Saharan countries, football is the anecdote for their hunger. When childhood liberates itself and sets its innocence free to run on the field and feet begin to smile with joy; it only happens with football. The whole world may be glued to the oncoming global event, but lurking away in some corner, some kids will be creating their own world of emotions connected with this game. What else do you need except two pairs of feet, any visible marking for goal posts and that food (football)?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bikini Movies

For a while now, there has been a new genre of movies being produced and marketed in Bollywood industry characterized by magnanimous locations where somehow or the other the lead actress gets a chance to flaunt her toned body in a sultry bikini while the actor is also not far behind in his chiseled torso. these movies have their romantic scenes set on exotic beaches (how then will you sport a bikini) while the rest of the plot be dammed.
very well packaged, nicely marketed, injected with high-adrenaline these are the new Bikini Movies courtesy the good old bikini. It is not about the the heroine with a superb bod anymore, it's about the movie itself being well toned to be able to fit in a bikini frame of mind. Viewers need to go, sit and strip of all their mental clothing and leave it in their bikini intellect for the movie to fit in. I'm not saying that the movie is bad, what I mean is that we need to shed inhibitions and bare our minds to minimal intellectual clothing when one goes to see these Bikini MOVIES.
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15th august abstract adult fiction Afghanistan Ahmadabad anarchy annihilation Anton Chekov apocalypse Arab Revolution architecture ascetic B.J Thomas Ballad bengali bibhutibhushan bandopadhyay biryani bohemian bond of love breaking from past bridges of Madison County brother-sister bond Cafes Calamity Casablanca Cassette Cellphones chaos Charles Bukowski children children poetry Chinar Christmas special citizens City city dweller city life civil war civilization coal mafia coffee coffee house college comfort Communism conversation poem corruption Creative Destruction crime Cyncism cynicism daily commute death decay democracy departing and leaving DEV ANAND Diwali dreams and hopes drought Durga puja dystopia earth ecology Economics Elvis Presley england environment epic poetry evening existential crisis family fantasy farmers fart fascism fate fiction food for thought Franz Kafka friends friendship god government Gulzar helplessness Hinduism house of cards human life human race Humphrey Bogart immigrant life independence India indian budget Indian festival Indian freedom struggle Indian mythology Indian short stories Indian union Ingrid Bergman intelligence Into the Wild ITEM SONG Ivan Ilyich James Long Japan jhelum journeys Kasauli kashmir kerala khalil Gibran kite flying festival Kolavedi Kolkata Leo Tolstoy life life and decay lifeinmotion loneliness love love poem lyrical poetry magical realism mahabharat Maharashtra Makar Sankranti man and nature Maoism market Marxism Max Weber mechanization memoir memories middle-east modern love modern poems modern stories modernization monologue monotonous monsoon Mumbai mumbai rains mundane My Fair Lady nature nature poem necessities new year New York noam chomsky noir O' Henry Obama administration Pablo Neruda Paritition philoshophy poem premchand Raindrops keep fallin' on my head rakshabandhan Ram Ramayan Rastafarian Ravana realism realistic fiction religion revolution rioting robert frost romance romanticism routine Ruskin Bond school Schumpeter science fiction Sharatchandra short fiction short poem short stories short story socialism society soliloquy Songs South Asia Story Sulaimani chai Summer supply and demand sustainability symbolism syria technology Tees Maar Khan the state and society ties time of our lives transformers 3 travel types of ballad tyranny U.S.A urban life urban poetry utopia vacation vagabond want and need wilderness winter work life